Enter the inhabitants of your city, country or continent

Click on the inhabitants’ number and see how much energy from wind turbines they waste per 10 hours in each country on external facade littering and light-polluting light signs.

Norway - 5,408,000

Denmark - 5,857,000

Sweden - 10,420,000

Finland - 5,541,000

Scandinavia - 27,226,000

France - 67,750,000

Italy - 59,110,000

Germany - 83,200,000

Europe - 747,400,000

Australia - 25,690,000

Japan - 125,700,000

USA - 332,000,000

South America - 422,500,000

India - 1,408,000,000

China - 1,412,000,000

Wind Turbine Calculator

Enter the number of inhabitants of your city or country

Here is about 310 wind turbines illustrated, not a very pretty sight.